Sign up to E3

Registering is easy - simply fill in your details below

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Where Are You Located?

Enter your postcode below and we can check if you are eligible for all the great E3 support services

Please note: E3 is only available to individuals and businesses with postcodes in the catchment areas across Aberdeenshire, Angus, Dundee, North and South Lanarkshire. If you are registering from outside these areas, visit and our friendly business gateway teams can help.

What are you registering as?

If you are registering as an individual and not a business or an organisation, click here to skip to the next section .

Business name

Company Reg No


Type of Business

Size of Business

Number of employees

Organisation name

Company Reg No


Type of Organisation

Size of Organisation

Number of staff

Your Contact details

Enter your contact details below, this will determine how we contact you in future

Firstname *

Surname *

Tel / Mobile No *

Email address *

Your Address *

Date of birth

Employment Status

Equal Opportunities Monitoring

Scottish Local Authorities are committed to equal opportunities both as an employer and as a service provider. Completion of this form will allow us to monitor the uptake of our services and help us achieve this commitment. All responses are optional.

Gender you wish to be identified with


Citizenship Status (if non UK Resident)

Ethnic Origin


Do you have any long term illness, health problem or disability which limits your daily activities or the work that you do?

Have you engaged with business gateway support services in the last 12 months?

How did you hear about E3?

Please choose any of the subjects below that you might be interested in

Create a password

Enter and confirm a password below to allow to create an account and easily access our services in future

On submission, we will send you an email to your supplied email address to verify your account.

Password *

Confirm Password *

*Password must be 6 characters or more and contain at least a letter and a number

Terms & Conditions

Please read & agree to our terms & conditions/privacy policy before continuing

Confirm you're a real person

Please enter the code displayed below in the text box provided

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